CAL QUIM Farm, Catalonian Donkey

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Hispano-Bretón Horse

ORIGIN: A cross between medium-weight local mares and heavier, larger French stallions, of the varieties Bretón and Ardenés. These animals are currently distributed throughout the mountainous zones of Castilla-León, Cantabria, La Rioja, Aragón and Catalonia.

CHARACTERISTICS: A compact, solid horse, with straight profile and a double rump. Their even coat is usually chestnut, brown or black. While they are generally quiet animals, they are strong, and more than capable of surviving on the poor fodder available from mountain pastures.

USES: Traditionally used for carting and farm work, the breed is now destined for meat production, some recreational activities and mule production. Their grazing habits have a significant environmental benefit, cleaning the forests of unwanted undergrowth thereby reducing fire-risk.

SITUATION: Currently, the breed is considered under threat of extinction. The majority of animals are concentrated in Castilla-León, while in Aragón the relevant breeder's association (ARAHISBRE, Asociación Aragonesa de Criadores de Equino de Raza Hispano-Bretón – Aragonese Association for the Breeding of Hispano-Bretón Horses) boasts some 25 breeders and a total of more than 400 animals.

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© CAL QUIM Farm - - Tel.: +34 690 697 090 / +34 636 396 449 - Orós Bajo (Huesca)